A prescription pill that contains large doses of an omega 3 fatty acid found in fish oil staved off heart attacks and strokes in folks with a history of heart disease or type 2 diabetes.
Regular Bedtime For Better Health
As important as getting close to eight hours of sleep a night is, new research suggests that going to bed and waking up at the same time every day is just as critical for your health.
Soothe Your Child’s Cold or Flu
A runny nose is often the first sign of a cold -- and this annoying faucet can go on for 2 weeks! The mucus usually starts clear and turns yellowish and cloudy after a few days. Flu can cause a runny nose too, though not as often. Try saltwater nose...
12 Sinusitis Dos and Don’ts
If you're worried that you may spread sinusitis to classmates or co-workers, breathe easy. It isn't contagious. Go back to your normal activities if you feel well enough.